Saison 00/01

Online WM

Crystal Palace Rundenzeiten


Pos		Driver				Time		Lap

 1		Sascha Moenig			51.901s		10

 2		Stefan Krieger			52.499s		9

 3		Sacha lestrange			53.528s		12

 4		Averell Dalton			57.241s		15

 5		Haendchen			No time


Driver                           Laps led

Sascha Moenig                    20

Replay doesn't contain practice info - skipping "Highest Climber" table

All times are unofficial

(Replay might have been saved before end of race)

Generated with GPL Replay Analyser v2.4

Track: Crystal             Tue Dec 26 20:11:30 2000

Driver:  Haendchen - Ferrari  

No practice laps

No race laps

Driver: Sascha Moenig - Coventry 

No practice laps

Race laps

Lap 1: 1m35.700s

Lap 2: 1m00.774s [Off the track]

Lap 3: 53.805s

Lap 4: 53.012s

Lap 5: 52.925s [Off the track]

Lap 6: 52.703s

Lap 7: 52.277s

Lap 8: 58.230s [Off the track]

Lap 9: 52.656s

Lap 10: 51.901s

Lap 11: 52.620s

Lap 12: 52.723s

Lap 13: 52.996s [Off the track]

Lap 14: 54.164s [Off the track]

Lap 15: 52.509s

Lap 16: 52.393s

Lap 17: 52.167s

Lap 18: 54.983s [Off the track]

Lap 19: 58.099s

Lap 20: 54.741s

Driver: Sacha lestrange - Murasama 

No practice laps

Race laps

Lap 1: 1m35.386s

Lap 2: 1m02.826s [Off the track]

Lap 3: 54.453s

Lap 4: 54.239s [Off the track]

Lap 5: 57.308s [Off the track]

Lap 6: 1m01.082s [Off the track]

Lap 7: 56.031s [Off the track]

Lap 8: 55.106s [Off the track]

Lap 9: 55.921s [Off the track]

Lap 10: 54.172s [Off the track]

Lap 11: 55.943s [Off the track]

Lap 12: 53.528s

Lap 13: 53.715s [Off the track]

Lap 14: 59.221s [Off the track]

Lap 15: 54.288s [Off the track]

Lap 16: 55.098s [Off the track]

Lap 17: 54.022s

Lap 18: 56.242s [Off the track]

Lap 19: 53.637s

Lap 20: 54.977s [Off the track]

Driver: Stefan Krieger - Coventry 

No practice laps

Race laps

Lap 1: 1m33.610s [Off the track]

Lap 2: 1m05.147s [Off the track]

Lap 3: 53.791s

Lap 4: 53.689s

Lap 5: 53.457s

Lap 6: 53.658s

Lap 7: 53.964s [Off the track]

Lap 8: 52.520s

Lap 9: 52.499s

Lap 10: 53.426s [Off the track]

Lap 11: 52.532s

Lap 12: 1m00.360s [Off the track]

Lap 13: 54.973s

Lap 14: 55.031s [Off the track]

Lap 15: 54.261s

Lap 16: 53.555s

Lap 17: 53.336s

Lap 18: 52.937s

Lap 19: 54.362s

Lap 20: 53.418s

Driver: Averell Dalton - Murasama 

No practice laps

Race laps

Lap 1: 1m33.223s

Lap 2: 1m18.863s [Off the track]

Lap 3: 1m00.534s [Off the track]

Lap 4: 1m05.704s [Off the track]

Lap 5: 1m07.277s [Off the track]

Lap 6: 1m03.999s [Off the track]

Lap 7: 1m00.165s

Lap 8: 1m08.871s [Off the track]

Lap 9: 1m14.635s [Off the track]

Lap 10: 1m00.785s [Off the track]

Lap 11: 1m09.419s [Off the track]

Lap 12: 1m21.101s [Off the track]

Lap 13: 59.927s [Off the track]

Lap 14: 59.981s [Off the track]

Lap 15: 57.241s [Off the track]

Lap 16: 1m06.517s [Off the track]

Lap 17: 1m07.132s [Off the track]